Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LIA Elements: Asteroids

Here is a sheet of the Asteroids used in the LIA TekNo Music Video.  I used a simple Lambert Shader in Maya with Displacement, Normal, and Color maps.  I used one large 4K map to house all 9 asteroid types.  We wanted them to hold up relatively close to camera, but didn't want a full map for each individual asteroid, (for memory and render-time reasons) so this seemed like the best approach for me.  I also rendered out 3 Asteroid Clusters to Composite into the background of the final video.  Using the 3 variations I was able to achieve a wide variety of background solutions to make the illusion of more asteroids in the scene.  Thanks for viewing!

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