Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Random Photo Series 02

Here are some pics I took in and around the Valley in Phoenix.  Just some fun little stuff that I liked for whatever reason.  Thanks for viewing! :)


Just off the Freeway.


Saguaro Lake

 Harkins Theatres

Harkins Theatres

 Haboob in Tempe

Haboob in Tempe

Saguaro Lake

Saguaro Lake

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Desert Schools "Member" Spot.

This was an interesting spot we just finished at the agency.  Originally my friend and old Creative Director Jason Gonzalez sat down with me and hammered out a really fun idea that never saw the light of day.

Ultimately I was just given a script and a VO from the client and I had to turnaround a 30 second spot in around 3 days.  I did it though, and what you see is the result.  It was actually a fun spot to put together even though we had to shift ideas.  Thanks for watching.   :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stomach Aliens

So around the office we had a joke that each one of us had a unique stomach alien that devours our food and makes us hungry.  My alien is named Margret.  She eats anything and loves spicy food.  She is generally very happy but can be grumpy from time to time.

Meet Margret.

I really liked this drawing and I am thinking of making a version of her in 3D as a digital sculpt.
