Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Featured Video: Lost in Atlantis - "Tek No"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Land of the Blind

Here is a cut of "LAND OF THE BLIND."  I was Director of Photography on this film and it was also my first experience as DOP.  It was a lot of fun and there were quite a few challenges that hit us on this production.  It rained, it was hot, we had people firing guns all the time, and we had people racing their motor bikes and quads all over the place.  Needless to say we got her done and this was the result.  I also helped on Compositing various shots and monitoring the edit until we had to submit it for class.  This was the last edit we submitted.  Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy it!   Shot on a 5D Mark II with Nikon Primes and occasionally the Canon Kit lens.

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